Thursday 19 July 2007

Doctors for life and Christians for genuine change.

According to a report that I read more than 80% of Portuguese Doctors will refuse to perfom abortions as the new legislation takes effect. EWTN has reported that most doctors will object on grounds of conscience since, as doctors, they have vowed to save life not destroy it. I have quite a personal interest in this. One I am a Catholic and two I am half Portuguese. My father comes from Madeira and virtually all my family live in Portugal.

I go to Portugal every year to visit my family. In fact I'm off there next week (I'll pray for you all at Fatima!) I, over the years, have seen a deterioration in the way Portugal is run. The country is getting richer and materialism is rapidly gaining ground.

But I'm always impressed by the faith of the ordinary people who live in small villages. There is a huge devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. However, it does seem that there is a determined attack on Catholicism in Europe and Portugal is not exempt from this.
I remember going to Fatima two to three years ago. I was absolutely shocked at seeing an advert for contraception strategically placed right in front of the grounds of the shrine. I have to say that it was NOT in the grounds but it was directly facing the shrine and basilica.

There's no doubt that contraception, homosexuality and abortion go hand in hand. These three evils of modern society attack the heart of the family.
I'd like to add though, that we must show compassion and mercy to people trapped in sin whilst being clear and firm on the immorality of such deeds.

Transformation is possible. But we need to point people in the right direction. The majority of the Portuguese Doctors have shown courage so far in this aspect. How are we doing in our witness?
Please have a look at EWTN news and also at Father Tim Finigan's blog, the Hermeneutic of Continuity. He has some great articles on sin, repentance and transformation. One interesting story is the transformation of a man who was a staunch gay activist. Have a look:

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