Tuesday 17 July 2007

May your Adoration never cease!

This is what Pope John Paul II cried out in Dominicae Cenae. This is the source and summit of our faith. The Blessed Sacrament is so important and central to our beautiful Catholic faith that it is said that the one suffering St. John of the Cross found unbearable when he was imprisoned was being away from the Eucharist. How deep is our love for the Eucharist? Do we take full stock of the fact that many of our brothers and sisters died for it during the Reformation? Do we realise that many still suffer for their fidelity to the Mass in many parts of the world?

Time spent before the Blessed Sacrament just gazing at Jesus will reap an unimaginable harvest. I am sure that Our Lady spent many hours just looking at Jesus as He lay sleeping in her arms. The Eucharist is a love affair. It is the Marriage of the Lamb and His Bride. The Church is His Bride but John of the cross says that the soul is too.

Adoration is at the heart of a Contemplative revival taking place in the Church. It may seem strange to some but the Church needs Contemplative Mystics.

Mysticism isn't about wonderful visions and experiences in prayer. It is about the Marriage Union of the Beloved (Jesus) and the Soul. This is what will lead us right into the heart of the Trinity.

So many, however, run away. They immerse themselves in good works (which are important). Doing the Master's work gets in the way of being with the Master of the work. The real danger is activism. Helping this charity and doing that person a good turn.

Please don't think that I am rubbishing good works. God forbid! But what I am saying is that prayer and being with Jesus must come first. When we put Jesus and prayer first then our love is more pure and our work more effective.

Jesus wants lovers. Only then can His love shine in the world.

We are Catholic Christians. If our Adoration is ceaseless so will our love be. Then the world will be able to see Jesus, God Incarnate.


Rita said...

I am writing to wish you every success in your blog and more importantly in discerning your vocation. You are in my prayers.

I'm rapidly ceasing to be a "young" member of the Church (38 yrs old) but I am constantly amazed by the zeal and orthodoxy of my younger brothers and sisters and I am so grateful to find others so besotted with their life in Christ.

Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...

The Devouring Fire said...

Thanks Rita.
Let's pray that the numbers of young orthodox members of the Church increases. Catholic orthodoxy is the only way forward and it will save many souls.

Mulier Fortis said...

Michael, have you considered the Community of St John - they're a French Order - a couple of my friends have joined, and they might be just what you're looking for... unfortunately I don't have much in the way of details, but I can try and find out for you...